The Myth and Evolution of a Dream Career

The thought or idea of a dream job implies that there is a perfect job out there for you. While this isn’t a bad idea, it can be misleading. The drive to find your dream job can create unrealistic expectations and put pressure on you to find a perfect job. Going down this path can lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction.

As a young child, I had my dream career in mind. I was often told, that I can become anything or anyone I set my mind to. I remember being 10 years old or younger and telling my parents of my dream to become a pediatrician due to my love for babies. I light up around children.

For many of us, you may have wanted to become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer due to societal or parental expectations.

However, is finding your dream job a myth or a result of your growth and evolution?

Stepping Outside the Box

As you grew up, evolved, and learned more about yourself, your gifts, strengths, and abilities- your desires and dream career evolved as well. Your view of the world changed when you became open to the idea of becoming a journalist, maybe a chef, or even an entrepreneur. You no longer fit into the mold of what someone from your country should be, or what your family and friends wanted you to become. You decided to take matters into your own hands, as you explored your interests and curiosities. The world became your oyster. Your idea of a dream career began to evolve.

You decided that, if you were to have this dream career, it wouldn’t happen through the confines of what you knew as a child or teenager, but through the discovery of what your natural abilities and divine giftings drew you to.

Living Out Your Dream Career

See, this idea of a dream career was something I wanted to behold. 

  • I’ve seen and heard many folks talk about how they are living out their dream career and how they wouldn’t change it for the world.
  • I’ve heard stories of people who spent years working at a dead-end job, to securing a 6 figure salary in their dream career.
  • I’ve heard testimonies of people, who didn’t earn a college degree, but enrolled in a boot camp course of some sort, and was able to secure their dream career or job after 6 months of earning a certificate for something.

On the flip side, I’ve heard stories of people, who went through years of confusion, searching, and self-development, until they found an opportunity that allowed them to explore their interests. This may not be their dream career or job, but it’s one that gives them the opportunity to develop their skills, as they continue to uncover what their dream career is.

A Look into My Career Journey

On a personal note, I went through years of searching and self-development until I gained some clarity on what I wanted out of my career.

During the past 3 years of my career, each position I’ve secured was because I came across opportunities that aligned with my curiosities and interests. I wouldn’t label any of those positions as my dream job, but each one provided me with the opportunity to develop my skills, as I continue to discover what my dream career is. 

As I grow in my career, I continue to develop skills in organization management, learning and development, project management, data analysis, detail-oriented, time management, facilitation, digital design, learning solutions, written communication, and much more.  

As I learn about myself, each opportunity I secure pushes me closer to where I want to be. As I learn about myself, I’ve also had to make crucial decisions about my career.

I’ve been in multiple situations, where I’ve had to make crucial decisions about my career. Decisions that left me crying and wondering if I made the right choice. Decisions that had me writing out a budget with the intended salary, to make sure it met my basic needs. These decisions haven’t gotten easier, but more challenging. 

Closing Thoughts

Again I ask, is finding your dream career a myth or a result of your growth and evolution?

My dream career or job looks like many things. I’m not sure there’s a specific title or name for it, but as long as I continue to use my gifts, strengths, and abilities, I believe I’m on the right path.

So then, I encourage you to explore your interests, follow your curiosities, and be open-minded…and the lines will fall into pleasant places for you.


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